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Alex Reynolds & Alma Söderberg, La mano que canta [The Hand that Sings], 2021, HD, colour, sound | Palais, 2020, HD, colour, sound, 34'40'' |
Como si fuera viento [As if it Were Wind], 2018, HD, colour, sound, 25' | Te oímos beber (epílogo) [We Can Hear You Drink (Epilogue)], 2018, Braille publication |
Alma's Song, 2018, HD, colour, sound, 7'57'' | Un vals [A Waltz], 2017, Carpet on staircase, dimensions variable |
Esta puerta, esta ventana [This Door, This Window], 2017, DCP, colour, stereo, 36' | Palais, 2017, Black and white print, graphite on paper |
Ver nieve [To See Snow], 2016, HD, colour, sound, 30' | Lull & Lull II, 2016 & 2017, Postcard that initiates a future telephone call, Edition of 25 |
De día [By Day], 2015, DV, colour, sound, 18'24'' | Elma, 2016, Site-specific audio, 9'38'' |
Elizabet, Lena, Tobias, Kerstin, Besa, Rikard, Anki, 2013, Site-specific sound piece (7 audio tracks, c. 13', mp3 player and headphones, version in English and Swedish) 13' | Juana, 2013, HD, colour, sound, 13' |
Spinario, 2012, 16mm transferred to HD, colour, sound, 24'3'' | Boom, 2012, HD, colour, sound |
Jeanne, 2012, Site-specific audio, 4'23'' | Marta (Kajsa), Site-specific sound piece, CD player + wifi headphones, 3'56'' |
Te oímos beber [We Can Hear You Drink], 2011, Performance | Clara, 2010, Site-specific audio made up of 2 tracks, each on its own mp3 player + headphones |
Una chica, un coche, una pistola [A Girl, A Car, A Gun], 2010, Theatrical production, Estruch Centre (Sabadell) | Nueve segundos de negro [Nine Seconds of Black], 2009, DV, colour, sound, 1'20'' |
Oveja Buey Viento [Sheep, Ox, Wind], 2009, HD, colour, sound, 18'30'' | Sea Port Hostel, 2008, Performance |
Three, 2008, Performance |
Alex Reynolds
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